When we stop learning, we stop living.

Abbreviated definitions are
derived from the 2014 or 2020 Webster’s New World
College Dictionary, Fifth Ed., unless stated otherwise. 200+ Wordplay words
2013-2019 archived here.
Featured Word: Wordplay Wednesday ~ MARCH 3, 2021:
DÉGRINGOLADE (,dā-,gran(ŋ)-gɘʹläd; 1873) – n. a rapid decline or deterioration (as in strength, position, or condition); downfall. [WW #303-M ~ Monthly Edition]
DÉGRINGOLADE (,dā-,gran(ŋ)-gɘʹläd; 1873) – n. a rapid decline or deterioration (as in strength, position, or condition); downfall. [WW #303-M ~ Monthly Edition]
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- atavism (atʹɘ vizʹɘm) n. – 1) appearance in an individual of some characteristic found in a remote ancestor but not in nearer ancestors; 2) a] such a characteristic, b] an individual with such a characteristic (also aʹa vist; adj. at’avis’tic, atavic (ɘ tavʹik); adv. atʹavisʹti cal ly). [WW #300
- barghest (bärʹgestʹ) n. (Eng.
Folklore) – a doglike goblin whose appearance supposedly foreshadows death
or bad luck. [WW #290]
- cacodemon [or cacodaemon]
(kakʹō dēʹmɘn; 1594) n. – an evil spirit: demon. [WW #289]
- cacography (ka-ʹkä-grɘ-fē;
1580) n. –1) bad spelling – compare orthography;
2) bad handwriting – compare calligraphy. [WW #293]
- chary (cherʹē, charʹē)
adj. – 1) not taking chances, careful, cautious [to be chary of
offending others]; 2) not giving freely, sparing (chary of his
hospitality). [WW #261]
- colligate (kälʹɘ gātʹ) vt. – 1) to bind together; 2) to relate (isolated facts) by some reasonable explanation, esp. so as to evolve a general principle (n. – colligation). [WW #269]
- collocate (kälʹɘ kātʹ) vt. – to arrange, esp., to set side by side. [WW #270]
- colligate (kälʹɘ gātʹ) vt. – 1) to bind together; 2) to relate (isolated facts) by some reasonable explanation, esp. so as to evolve a general principle (n. – colligation). [WW #269]
- collocate (kälʹɘ kātʹ) vt. – to arrange, esp., to set side by side. [WW #270]
- dégringolade (,dā-,gran(ŋ)-gɘʹläd; 1873) – n. a rapid decline or
deterioration (as in strength, position, or condition); downfall. [WW #303-M ~ Monthly Edition]
- devilry (‘de-vɘl-rē; 14c.) [or deviltry] n.
– 1a) action performed with the help of the devil: witchcraft; b) wickedness;
c) mischief; 2) an act of devilry. [WW #292]
- éclat (ā-ʹklä; ʹā-; 1672) n. – 1) ostentatious display : publicity; 2) dazzling effect : brilliance; 3a) brilliant or conspicuous success, b) praise, applause. [WW #276]
- éclat (ā-ʹklä; ʹā-; 1672) n. – 1) ostentatious display : publicity; 2) dazzling effect : brilliance; 3a) brilliant or conspicuous success, b) praise, applause. [WW #276]
- éclaircissement (ā-kler-sēs-[ɘ-]män, 1667) n. – a clearing up of
something obscure : enlightenment.
[WW #301]
- elint (elʹint) n. – the gathering of intelligence by monitoring with electronic equipment from airplanes, ships, satellites, etc. [WW #254*]
- elint (elʹint) n. – the gathering of intelligence by monitoring with electronic equipment from airplanes, ships, satellites, etc. [WW #254*]
- eolian (also aeolian; ē-ʹō-lē- ɘn; -ʹōl-yɘn; 1622) adj.
– borne, deposited, produced, or eroded by the wind. [WW #302M ~ 1st Monthly Edition]
- epithalamium (epʹi thɘ lā’mē ɘm) n. – a song or poem in honor of a bride or bridegroom, or of both; nuptial song (also epithalamion; plural – epithalamia) [WW #271]
- esculent (esʹkyōō lɘnt) adj. – fit for food; edible (n. – something fit for food, esp. a vegetable). [WW #266]
- epithalamium (epʹi thɘ lā’mē ɘm) n. – a song or poem in honor of a bride or bridegroom, or of both; nuptial song (also epithalamion; plural – epithalamia) [WW #271]
- esculent (esʹkyōō lɘnt) adj. – fit for food; edible (n. – something fit for food, esp. a vegetable). [WW #266]
- esemplastic (,e-,sem-ʹplas-tik;
1817) adj. – shaping or having the power to shape disparate things into a
unified whole <the ~~ power of the poetic imagination –W.H. Gardner>. [WW #296]
- fantod(s) (ʹfan-,täd; 1839) n. – 1) a.
a state of irritability and tension; b. fidgets;
2) an emotional outburst: fit. [WW #294]
- flexuous (fleksʹyōō ɘs, flekʹshōō-) adj. – winding or wavering (adv. – flexuously). [WW #250*]
- flibbertigibbet (flibʹɘr tē jibʹit) n. – an irresponsible, flighty person. [WW #253*]
- gambol (gamʹbɘl) n. – a jumping and skipping about in play, frolic (vi. – gamboled or gambolled, gamboling or gambolling; to jump, etc.) [WW #272]
- georgic (ʹjȯr-jik) – 1; 1513) n. a poem dealing with agriculture [or husbandry]; 2; ca. 1720) adj. agricultural. [WW #282]
- golden-ager (‘gōl-dɘn-‘ā-jɘr; 1961) n. – an elderly and often retired person usu. engaging in club activities. [WW #285]
- kerflooey (kɘr-ʹflü-ē; 1918) adj. – awry, kaput. [WW #283]
- kickshaw (ʹkik-,shȯ; 1597) n. 1) a fancy dish, delicacy; 2) trinket, gewgaw. [WW #281]
- machree (mɘ krēʹ, mɘ khrēʹ) n. – literally, my heart: Anglo-Irish term of endearment (Mother machree) [WW #255*]
- malentendu (mȧ län tän düʹ; French) adj. – misunderstood, poorly conceived (n. – a misunderstanding). [WW #280]
- mouthfeel (mouthʹfēlʹ’) n. – the way a particular food or beverage feels in the mouth as it is eaten or drunk (the velvety mouthfeel of ice cream). [WW #252*]
- munificent (myōō nifʹɘ sɘnt) adj. – 1) very generous in giving; 2) characterized by or indicative of great generosity (a munificent reward). [WW #256*]- redivivus (redʹi vīʹvɘs) adj. – restored to life; reborn; reincarnated: usually used metaphorically. [Pronounced red uh vi-vus; WW #249*]
- nescience [ʹne-sh(ē-)ɘn(t)s; 1612] n. – lack of knowledge or awareness: ignorance (adj. – nescient). [WW #277]
- flexuous (fleksʹyōō ɘs, flekʹshōō-) adj. – winding or wavering (adv. – flexuously). [WW #250*]
- flibbertigibbet (flibʹɘr tē jibʹit) n. – an irresponsible, flighty person. [WW #253*]
- gambol (gamʹbɘl) n. – a jumping and skipping about in play, frolic (vi. – gamboled or gambolled, gamboling or gambolling; to jump, etc.) [WW #272]
- georgic (ʹjȯr-jik) – 1; 1513) n. a poem dealing with agriculture [or husbandry]; 2; ca. 1720) adj. agricultural. [WW #282]
- golden-ager (‘gōl-dɘn-‘ā-jɘr; 1961) n. – an elderly and often retired person usu. engaging in club activities. [WW #285]
- harlequinade (härʹli kwi nādʹ) n. – 1) that part of a play or pantomime in which the
Harlequin [comic character] and the clown play leading parts; 2) comic pranks,
lively and mischievous antics, buffoonery. [WW Foolplay Two-Fer #262, April Fool's Day 2020]
- impuissance (im pyōōʹi sɘns) n. – lack of power, weaknss (adj. – impuissant). [WW #259]
- impuissance (im pyōōʹi sɘns) n. – lack of power, weaknss (adj. – impuissant). [WW #259]
- innocuous ((i-ʹnä-kyɘ-wɘs;
1598) adj. – 1) producing no injury: harmless;
2) not likely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility: inoffensive, insipid. [WW #288]
- jink (ʹjiŋk;
1785) vi. – to move quickly or unexpectedly with sudden turns and shifts
(as in dodging).
Or (1786) n. –
1) a quick evasive turn, slip; 2) pl.,
franks, frolics, esp. high
jinks. [WW #299]
- kerflooey (kɘr-ʹflü-ē; 1918) adj. – awry, kaput. [WW #283]
- kickshaw (ʹkik-,shȯ; 1597) n. 1) a fancy dish, delicacy; 2) trinket, gewgaw. [WW #281]
- machree (mɘ krēʹ, mɘ khrēʹ) n. – literally, my heart: Anglo-Irish term of endearment (Mother machree) [WW #255*]
- malentendu (mȧ län tän düʹ; French) adj. – misunderstood, poorly conceived (n. – a misunderstanding). [WW #280]
- mouthfeel (mouthʹfēlʹ’) n. – the way a particular food or beverage feels in the mouth as it is eaten or drunk (the velvety mouthfeel of ice cream). [WW #252*]
- munificent (myōō nifʹɘ sɘnt) adj. – 1) very generous in giving; 2) characterized by or indicative of great generosity (a munificent reward). [WW #256*]- redivivus (redʹi vīʹvɘs) adj. – restored to life; reborn; reincarnated: usually used metaphorically. [Pronounced red uh vi-vus; WW #249*]
- nescience [ʹne-sh(ē-)ɘn(t)s; 1612] n. – lack of knowledge or awareness: ignorance (adj. – nescient). [WW #277]
- pandemonium (pan’de mo’ne em) n. – 1) the capital of Hell in Milton’s Paradise Lost; 2)
Hell; 3) a] any place or scene of wild disorder, noise, or confusion; b] wild
disorder, noise, or confusion. [WW #267]
- pleonasm (plēʹɘ nazʹɘm) n. – 1) the use of more words than are necessary for the expression of an idea, redundancy (Ex.: “plenty enough”); 2) an instance of this; 3) a redundant word or expression (adj. – pleonastic). [WW #258]
- poesy (ʹpō-ɘ-zē, -sē; 14th century) n. – 1) a. a poem or body of poems; b. poetry; c. artificial or sentimentalized poetic writing; 2.) poetic inspiration. [WW #284]
POETASTER (ʹpō-ɘ-,tas-tɘr; 1599) n. – an inferior poet. [WW #286]
- quire (kwīr) n. – a set of 24 or 25 sheets of paper of the same size and stock, the twentieth part of a ream. [WW #274]
- raillery (rāʹlɘr ē) n. – 1) light, good-natured ridicule or satire, banter; 2) a teasing act or remark. [WW #264]
- rhapsodist (rapʹsɘ dist) n. – 1) rhapsode*; 2) a person who rhapsodizes. [WW #265]
- sophism (säfʹizʹɘm) n. – a clever and plausible but fallacious argument or form of reasoning, esp. one intended to deceive. [WW #268]
- sylvan (silʹvɘn) n. – one who lives in the woods; adj. – 1) of or characteristic of the woods or forest; 2) living or found in the woods or forest; 3) wooded. [WW #251*]
- tautology (tô täʹɘ jē) n. – 1-a) needless repetition of an idea in different words, redundancy, pleonasm† (Ex.: “necessary essentials,” b) an instance of such repetition; 2) Logic: a proposition that is analytic (sense 5). [WW #257] [†Look for this accompanying word as next week’s Wordplay.]
- pleonasm (plēʹɘ nazʹɘm) n. – 1) the use of more words than are necessary for the expression of an idea, redundancy (Ex.: “plenty enough”); 2) an instance of this; 3) a redundant word or expression (adj. – pleonastic). [WW #258]
- poesy (ʹpō-ɘ-zē, -sē; 14th century) n. – 1) a. a poem or body of poems; b. poetry; c. artificial or sentimentalized poetic writing; 2.) poetic inspiration. [WW #284]
POETASTER (ʹpō-ɘ-,tas-tɘr; 1599) n. – an inferior poet. [WW #286]
- quire (kwīr) n. – a set of 24 or 25 sheets of paper of the same size and stock, the twentieth part of a ream. [WW #274]
- raillery (rāʹlɘr ē) n. – 1) light, good-natured ridicule or satire, banter; 2) a teasing act or remark. [WW #264]
- rhapsodist (rapʹsɘ dist) n. – 1) rhapsode*; 2) a person who rhapsodizes. [WW #265]
- sophism (säfʹizʹɘm) n. – a clever and plausible but fallacious argument or form of reasoning, esp. one intended to deceive. [WW #268]
- sylvan (silʹvɘn) n. – one who lives in the woods; adj. – 1) of or characteristic of the woods or forest; 2) living or found in the woods or forest; 3) wooded. [WW #251*]
- tautology (tô täʹɘ jē) n. – 1-a) needless repetition of an idea in different words, redundancy, pleonasm† (Ex.: “necessary essentials,” b) an instance of such repetition; 2) Logic: a proposition that is analytic (sense 5). [WW #257] [†Look for this accompanying word as next week’s Wordplay.]
- tenebrific (,te-nɘ-ʹbri-fik;
1785) adj. – 1) gloomy; 2) causing gloom or darkness. [WW #291]
- tomfoolery (tämʹfōōlʹɘr ē) n. – foolish behavior; silliness; nonsense. [Foolplay Two-Fer #292, April Fool's Day 2020]
- verdure (vurʹjɘr)
n. – 1) the fresh-green color of growing things, greenness; 2)
green growing plants and trees, green vegetation; 3) a vigorous or
flourishing condition (characteristic of/adj. – verdurous). [WW #260]
- tomfoolery (tämʹfōōlʹɘr ē) n. – foolish behavior; silliness; nonsense. [Foolplay Two-Fer #292, April Fool's Day 2020]
- verdure (v
- virago (vɘ-ʹrä(,)gō; 14c.) n. – 1) a loud overbearing woman : termagant; 2) a woman of great stature, strength, and courage (viraginous). [WW #295]
- veridical (vɘ ridʹI kɘl) adj. – 1) truthful, veracious; 2) corresponding with reality or facts (n. – veridicality) [WW #273]
- whencesoever (ʹhwen(t)(s)ʹsɘ-,we-vɘr; 1511) conj. – from whatever place or source.
[WW #297]
- whiffler (hwifʹlɘr) n.
– a person who vacillates or shifts position frequently in argument. [WW #263]
- widdershins (ʹwi-dɘr-shɘnzʹ; 1545) adv. – in a left-handed, wrong, or contrary direction: counterclockwise (also withershins) – compare deasil [clockwise]. [WW #279]
- zeitgeist (ʹtsīt-,gīst) n. – the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era. [WW #275]

- widdershins (ʹwi-dɘr-shɘnzʹ; 1545) adv. – in a left-handed, wrong, or contrary direction: counterclockwise (also withershins) – compare deasil [clockwise]. [WW #279]
- zeitgeist (ʹtsīt-,gīst) n. – the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era. [WW #275]
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