Books by LR

Books Written, or Contributions to/by LinDee Rochelle

<<NEW! BFYP - Book 2              BFYP - Book 1>> 
The Swinging Sixties                     The First Five Years
1960-1969                                               1954-1959                                               

Rockin' DJs' behind-the-mic tales in the dawn of 
Rock & Roll!

Click here for author-signed print copies of Book 1
(Book 2 signed copies coming soon).

Read the magazine article that got Rochelle's mojo workin' on the Blast from Your Past! series: Let's Rock & Roll Down Memory Lane!

Where else you can find LR's work ...

*Love in Bloom: A Collection of Works (2005)
by the Women Writers of the Desert*
Anthology of poems, short stories, contributions and co-editing by *WWD's founder, LinDee Rochelle 
*WWD morphed into Women Writers Worldwide (WWW) in 2007; that site has yet to be developed. 
However, you can read the amazing love stories of these talented women writers, available at Amazon.

*Jackalope Tales: Observations in the Field (2008)
Edited by (and "real" author):  LinDee Rochelle w/original premise by Bobbi Fischer
Narrating (fictional) author: "Albert J. Yellowtail, Ph. D."
At the impressionable age of three, Dr. Yellowtail began journaling his memories of the Jackalope. (A legendary, elusive creature of the desert regions.) His lifelong notes are the foundation for this book. His "Observations in the Field" will delight young and old alike. Out of print, but gently used editions still circulate on Amazon!

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