The Nature of First Love
children, often our first Valentine is given with adoration for good ol’ Mom.
If you’ve neglected her of late, maybe this is the perfect opportunity … and Wordplay Wednesday word … to remind her
she’ll always be first in your heart …
MACHREE (mɘ krēʹ,
mɘ khrēʹ) n. – literally, my heart: Anglo-Irish term of
endearment (Mother machree) [WW #255*]
I’ve always wondered what “Mother Machree”
meant. Have heard the term throughout my life, but never questioned its origin.
Now I know … so here it is for you …

phrase became popular vernacular with the
production of “Mother Machree, a 1928 silent film directed by
John Ford … The Story of Mother Machree by Rida Johnson Young about a
poor Irish immigrant in America.” [Sound was limited to a Fox Movietone musical score and sound-effects
title song lyrics spell out the high
regard mothers enjoyed at the turn of the twentieth century:
kiss the dear fingers so toil worn for me. Oh God bless you and keep you Mother Machree. (By Rida Johnson
Young and singer Chauncy Olcott, c. 1910.)
are many of us who can no longer hug our Moms—they’re either across many miles,
or across the spiritual divide—but there are numerous ways to hold your Mother
Machree in your heart, if not your arms.
devices in today’s world help you connect with your Mom, and Valentine’s Day is perfect to send
your Mother Machree a favorite Valentine memory of the two of
you. Create a new special moment for her to hold close.
in spirit or in person, if your Mother Machree has a spirited
sense of humor, consider an adorable plush hugger like one of those at a San
Diego (national) grocery chain store. On the left is what looks like a fuzzy
warm sloth, on the right is a
sweet perfumed skunk telling her she’s “Stinkin’ Cute.”
the guy in the middle is an enigma that may just tickle your Mother Machree’s
funny bone. Nothing says “I love you, Mom” like a purple sequin
donut hole! (Ok, maybe that’s just my interpretation, but it’s the first
thought I had when I spotted it!)
Word Challenge: MACHREE. Remember, love comes in many forms, but none more
endearing or enduring than yours for Mom, as you fit Machree into your week of
love-inspired writings.
Learning knows no prejudices or boundaries, and it isn’t fattening!
Expanding your mind is a no-cost, simple joy. Do you feel that way too? What’s
your inspiration? Share your creative genius and Wordplay Wednesday comments below.
Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)
[LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by
trade, and an author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books in
her Blast from Your Past series (of
three) about pioneering R&R Radio DJs. True behind-the-mic tales make GREAT
Holiday and anytime Gifts available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The First Five Years
1954-1959; and Book
2 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon … The Psychedelic
*Note: 1) Dictionary
definitions are quoted from Webster’s New World College Dictionary. Yes,
we sometimes present them out of “official” context—but that’s half the fun!
Think of it as “creative context.” 2) Neither I (LinDee Rochelle) nor Penchant
for Penning are responsible for how you use information found here, that may
result in legal action.
Endnote: FYI – All links in the
PFP site are personally visited, verified, and vetted. Most are linked to
commonly accessed sites of reputable note. However, as with everything
cyber-security, use at your own discretion.
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