A Word by any other Name is … Confusing
Oh, I just don’t know. Can’t make up my mind.
Is it vibrant and pleasant, or irritatingly arrogant? Neither … both …
OROTUND (ōrʹɘ tund’) adj. – 1) clear, strong, and deep,
resonant, said of the voice; 2) bombastic or pompous; said of a style of
speaking or writing. [ WW #160]
Thinking back to language origins, I’m sure they were meant to develop simply, presenting an orotund
and easier way to communicate than hieroglyphs and petroglyphs.
Question #1: At what point did languages
become so complicated and convoluted?
Apparently, when we began traveling around the globe and merging various languages to communicate. You would think by now, we'd all understand each other, wouldn't you?

More to the point, in writing especially, how
are we to know which meaning is meant or appropriate when the context is vague?
Consider Question #2* below in which I use orotund in a vaguely descriptive
way. Not all minds think alike. Some of you might perceive it as a “clear and
strong” description, while others consider it “pompous.”
By 1792 we already had “pompous”
(14 c.) and “resonant” (1590s). Why add anything to the mix? Such could be said
of many words in the English language. Just another example of humans going to the extreme, overdoing
and overthinking, as usual, don’t you think?
Let’s face it. It’s been centuries since we have
needed more words to describe anything. Most of our “new” words come about as
colloquial or slang that eventually muscle their way into the dictionary.
*Question #2: Why not establish a dictionary of
core words that comprise accepted, orotund language, and let the slang
terms run their course, as they generally do?

Of course, I’m saying all this with tongue-in-cheek
as I foist upon you yet another word for your voluminous vocabulary. Do as I
say, not as I do—right parents (and politicians)?!
Word Challenge: OROTUND. Sometimes Spring Cleaning shouldn’t be
relegated only to the house. Choose your cleansing actions carefully as piles
for recycling and trash grow. How can you simplify your life as you fit orotund
into your week of streamlined writings?
Learning knows no prejudices or boundaries, and
it isn’t fattening! Expanding your mind is a no-cost simple joy. Do you feel
that way too? Share your comments below, about Wordplay Wednesday or learning in general. Look
forward to cyber-meeting you!
Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)
LinDee Rochelle is a writer and editor by
trade, and an author by way of Rock & Roll. She has published two books (of
three) in her Blast from Your Past series, available on Amazon (eBook and print): Book 1 – Rock & Roll
Radio DJs: The First Five Years 1954-1959; and Book
2 – Rock & Roll Radio DJs: The Swinging Sixties. Coming soon, … The Psychedelic
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