Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Aperçu – Wordplay Wednesday™ 01/31/18

Mooning for Magic Moments 

Did you see it?! Did you feel its magnetic and powerful presence? Did you get even a tiny …?

APERÇU (ȧ perʹ; French*) n. – 1) a quick impression or insight; 2) a brief digest or survey. [WW #149]

By L. Rochelle 01/31/18, 5:48a San Diego, CA
Like this morning's extraordinary Supermoon, some events in nature, as in life, deserve more than a fleeting imprint on our psyche.

For fun, we can integrate the two very different definitions of aperçu to elongate a special moment from this morning…

Convert your quick impression of today’s Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse into a brief study of Full Moons and their effect on you! Voilà!

Do you dissolve into a werewolf, or prowl the night howling like a coyote? (After all, it is a Full Wolf Moon, as well.) Or do you find a special place to commune with nature, the moon, and your inner self as you contemplate life’s mysteries?

Or … unlike this moon-crazy wordsmith (up way before dawn to snap an image for you), were you still snoozing away at the moment of its glory? No problem. Nasa and the ‘Net are full of “reruns.”

Word Challenge: APERÇU. Your intuition will tell you when a moment is worth more. Don’t ignore it. The rewards are many, as you fit aperçu into your week of momentous writings.

Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle) 


* BTW, I only include foreign words when they actually appear in the dictionary; meaning it is/was at one time or another, been a fairly common part of the English language.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Rubric – Wordplay Wednesday™ 01/24/18

rop the Old, Make Way for the New

Whatever happened to the drop cap? Once a staple of book beginnings, it seems to have disappeared into the annals of time. Too bad. It’s a majestic way to begin anew, a story of intrigue, romance, or adventure.

Give your writing a New Beginning, with …

RUBRIC (rōōʹbrik) n. – 1) in early books and MS, a chapter heading, initial letter, specific sentence, etc., printed or written in red, decorative lettering, etc.; 2) any heading, title, etc, as of a chapter or section; 3) a direction, as in a prayer book, for conducting religious svcs.; 4) an explanatory comment, or gloss; 5) the title or a heading of a law; 6) an established custom or rule of procedure. [WW #148]  

Wow. The dictionary gurus must have been tokin’ a bit o’ the weed and letting their minds wander on this one. The lengthy description is an anomaly for dictionaries. Generally, short and succinct definitions are anticipated. As with life, expect the unexpected, and enjoy the meaning.

Word Challenge: RUBRIC. Also like life, writing is chock-full of New Beginnings. Some open with moments of quiet instigation; while others may descend on you with bold rubric. Consider your next New Beginning, as you fit rubric into your week of fresh writings.

Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)