Mixing it Up for the Holidays
This week’s Wordplay Wednesday is not for the Scrooges of
the world. Offered for your Holiday enjoyment … it’s Christmas!

Oh, wait, there’s no time to bake or buy the
cookies, and we’re out of milk! Hmmm, there must be something around here …
GORP (gôrp) n. trail mix. [And
we’ll add a yummy hot toddy to take the chill off his whiskers; WW #143]
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
I know, I know … poor substitute for soft-baked chocolate chip cookies and mustache-coating milk. Gorp is a mostly American
term to describe a nutritious snack of good ol’ raisins and peanuts (for a
healthier Santa), along with a little granola and dried fruit. Well, we could
jazz it up with a few M&M’s. Mmmmmm …
After munching on gorp, of course, Santa’s
only going to take a couple sips of the tummy warming Toddy … after all, we
don’t want him to get a DUI while driving the sleigh around the world!
Fantasy mixed with fact has always been a part
of life. From the myths and legends of ancient cultures, to the urbanization of
modern tech tales. Try as you might, you can’t dampen the spirits of those who
want to enjoy their cultural traditions. Even if they’re tweaked with gorp.
Engaging stories tinged with truth, permeate
history. They’ve been re-told for centuries, with personal spins added—like
switching cookies for gorp—to the delight of children in
every culture. Santa Claus among the most endearing.

No matter the name, the meaning is the same.
Joy, generosity, laughter, and love. With a wink, a nod, and a whistle, Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good
Word Challenge: GORP. Munch, munch, crunch …
as you fit gorp
into your week of traditional writing.
Write first for
yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)
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