Same-O-Same-O! But What If …?
Need to get the hum humming in your ho-hum
day? Identify those aspects that make life boring and “routine.” Flex your
mindful muscles, and get off the same old carousel!
It’s nearly time for a New Year. Look ahead …
start now with new life experiences and retire the …

QUOTIDIAN (kwō tidʹe ɘn) adj.
– 1) daily, recurring every day; 2) everyday, usual or ordinary; –n.
anything, esp. a fever, that recurs daily. [WW #138]
From the tip of your head—same old quotidian
hairstyle you’ve had for a decade, to the tip of your pointy-toed shoes—find a new experience
in an excursion where you can walk, ride, or mindfully float away from quotidian

We’re told it isn’t healthy to agonize over
the “what-ifs” of life, as they apply to missed opportunities. I was recently
reminded that looking forward with positive what-ifs for the future, can thrust you out of your quotidian
present, to imagine the what-ifs of tomorrow. Where might you find new, better opportunities?
(Take a bow, Ron, for that imaginative response to my lame lament.)
Word Challenge: QUOTIDIAN. Yep, it’s time to
start looking backwards and forwards as you update, upgrade, and uplift your
life. Dispose of the quotidian as you fit what-ifs into your week of contemplative writings.
Write first for
yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)
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