Your Nose Knows

FUG (fug) n. – the heavy air in a closed room, regarded as either
oppressive and murky or warm and cozy (Chiefly British). [WW #140]
Have you ever suffered through a stuffy
Holiday gathering with the fug of heavy kitchen aromas, blended
with the heavier scent of Aunt Shirley’s perfume, and old Uncle Henry’s heavy sweat,
swirling in a battle for your nose twitches?
May all your experiences with Holiday fug
eschew the oppressive and bring peace, warmth, and the flow of cozy air to your
Word Challenge: FUG. Good ventilation is
the key to a Holiday without the stench of fug. Unless of course, it’s the warm
fuzzy kind. Consider the source and the season as you fit
into your week of aromatic writings.
Write first for
yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)
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