Two to Tango … One to ROCK!
Inspiration. Intuition. Instinct. Insight. Awaken your writing ideas
with a song and a dancing …
DONNÉE (dô nāʹ) n. – [French] an incident, idea, etc.
that serves as an author’s starting point or inspiration for a novel, play,
etc. [WW #130]
OMG! I have those ALL the time …
unfortunately, so does someone else – first – or it isn’t necessarily a great thought … sigh.
Why stick to novels or plays? Certainly, starting points for any endeavor would qualify as a donnée;
and don’t think you’re limited to just one
My “book ideas” folder is FULL of one-line données,
and even a few that have a mini-outline. Some are novels, others non-fiction
and all, interesting subjects; none inspiring me to dance with them.
An Aha!
moment, however, came as I chatted on the phone with radio DJ friend, Bill
Gardner, about a Rock & Roll memorabilia article I was writing. Voilà! With a jitterbug sidestep, the Blast from Your Past book series donnée popped into my head.

The world is full of billionaires who had just one truly great donnée. I’ll keep
trying ‘til my muse hits me over the head with mine. How about you? Good luck …
and Rock On!
Word Challenge: DONNÉE.
It might take two to Tango, but it only takes one inspirational donnée
to make life worthwhile. Take a donnée-break and mull a
few ideas as you fit it into your week of Rocking writings.
Write first for
yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)
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