Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Atelier – Wordplay Wednesday™ 08/23/17

A Home for the Creative Mind 

Workshop, loft, chamber, studio … there are several terms to describe a place where a creative person might follow their muse—particularly an artist. But here’s one that arrives by way of those artistic French folks who have a grand reputation for the dramatic …

ATELIER (atʹ’l yā’) n. – a studio or workshop, esp. one used by an artist. [WW #126]  

The English dictionary, however, does not give a full credit definition. Atelier isn’t just a French translation of studio or workshop, it represents a master artist’s method of teaching others, effectively creating his or her legacy, along the way. An effectively communal system to learn and work.

Usually a small, private conservatory, an atelier offers a place to blend academic training with hands-on mentoring in the fine arts, utilizing a core of assistants, students, and apprentices, directed by the master. Works produced are often released under the master’s name.

One such, is The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Art in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with an impressive history of teaching credentials that include the influence of French Impressionists. 

If the only impressionists’ names you know are Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet (his Impression Sunrise, 1872, pictured), at least you know two of the best!

The French always have had such wonderful flair for making the common seem bodaciously exotic. Or erotic. Or quixotic. Take your pick, and explore your talents!

Word Challenge: ATELIER. Are you a master in your field? Do you want to be? It’s never too late; think about leading or joining an atelier as you fit it into your week of creative writings.

Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle) 



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