Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Bortz – Wordplay Wednesday™ 07/26/17

Diamonds Are Forever … Flawed 

Sorry, ladies, and gents who love glitz, but it’s true. The majority of us will never own a flawless diamond, like the Winston Legacy, sold at Christie’s for $26.7 million. Sigh.

But does it truly matter? We love ‘em for the glitter-factor! After all, we still love singing "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" in Karaoke!

Humans love shiny stuff. OK, maybe that’s just me. Although, “bling” is a thing, so it’s obvious I’m not alone. And nothing glitters like a diamond, or a lovely design of tiny pavé remnants … but beware … know of which is which …

BORTZ (bôrts) n. – a flawed diamond used only for industrial purposes, esp. in crushed form for grinding and polishing [a.k.a. BORT] [WW #122]

It’s generally not too difficult to spot a bortz diamond, as the color—darker, and opacity—denseness, give them away.

But if you have never purchased a diamond (or it’s been waaaay too long), you need a starting point to know what you’re getting, and which yellow brick road will lead you to an informed choice.

This should be a bling-lover’s go-to site for making gemstone decisions: International Gem Society. Their tips, recommendations and gemstone non-bort, quality diamond, grading information are invaluable, and will point you in the right shiny direction.

Word Challenge: BORTZ. Don’t settle for it unless you need a new drill bit; or a fun word for Words with Friends. Admire your pretty diamonds, as you fit bortz into your week of glitzy writings.

Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle) 


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