Some things in life simply must shine … no
matter what.
We have long been fascinated by shiny baubles
and many—especially in the jewelry and marine biology industries—will know this week’s word.
But this is a nod to those who love luster
without knowing or caring why. It’s time you learn … it isn’t nice to ignore
Mother Nature …
NACRE (nāʹkɘr) n.
Mother-of-Pearl; NACREOUS (nāʹkrē ɘs) adj. of or like nacre; yielding nacre;
iridescent; lustrous. [WW #113]
you thought it meant adding “N” for nature to acre, right? Well, in many cases,
does describe the beauty and wonder of Mother Nature.
Nacre is for example, the layer
of inner shell of some mollusks
that through nature’s divine development, creates the outer layer of a pearl,
and is widely exploited for its multiple uses.
common jewelry element, Mother-of-Pearl carving is a Bethlehem tradition established by Franciscan friars of Italy, dating back to
the 15th century.
also a great way to shorten a shimmering description for tight word-count uses,
does not bring to mind the instant recognition of luminous brilliance.
Nacre is nice, but Mother
Nature’s phrase is much more eloquent. Somehow, I can’t see “nacres
of wisdom” becoming as iconic as “pearls of wisdom,” can you?

Write first for
yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)
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