Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wordplay Wednesday™ April 26, 2017 – Bosk

Update your clichés! And your life path 

Are you stumped on which way to turn in life, and “can’t see the forest for the trees”?
Try making just one little clearing … and then another … and then another … until your forest is a series paths, each leading to a peaceful …

BOSK (bäsk) n. – a small wooded place; grove; thicket; also boscage (bäsʹkij) [WW #109]

A motivational friend, JV Crum III of Conscious Millionaire would say, “chunk it down”! He taught me that most goals in life are manageable if you look at the big picture in scope, then break that down to the individual steps you need to make it happen.
I know, I know—so many details—so little time! Creating a pathway of bosks means you don’t have to deal with all the details all the time.

Each step creates a bosk in which you can rest, regenerate, and resume your quest. Before you know it, your big, beautiful forest will become a landscape of meaningful bosks.

Go forth—enjoy your Hump Day and the rest of your week with renewed vigor.

If you can’t see the forest for the trees, clear a path toward your first oasis/bosk that will lead you through the forest of your dreams.
Word Challenge: BOSK. Chunk down your dream goal to a series of attainable bosks and share them with your network, as you fit bosk into your week of visionary writings.

Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)


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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wordplay Wednesday™ April 19, 2017 – Brio

Feeling Spunky? 
OK, we know it’s Hump Day—everyone gets the blahs in their week about now. Time to liven things up a bit! Put some …

BRIO (brēʹō; Italian) n. – animation; vivacity; zest. [WW #108]

… in your day! Pop a pop open and enjoy the fizzy bubbles!

While researching this seemingly unassuming word, I found more definitions than the brio words of action, above.

Wiki’s disambiguation page enlightened us with Brio in a list of musical terminology, calling it “brio or brioso [meaning] Vigour; usually in con brio: with spirit or vigour.” Play on maestro!  

For us unenlightened Americans (moi!), Brio is also related to Chinotto, a bittersweet Italian soft drink rising to fame in the 1950s. A sweeter Brio brand is popularly peddled in Canada, and especially fizzy in the Italian Stallion cocktail.

Those seeking to infuse brio into their dullish products include a typeface font: Brio MN. The flowing, cursive letters don’t inspire animation for me … but I’m difficult to please. A similar, more standard font is the Bradley Hand ITC: Ex ea commodo consequat.

BTW, according to Google Translate, the Latin “Ex ea commodo consequat” equates to English as “Advantage from it.” Again, rather passive for such a zesty word.

If you think Brio would be a great name for a zippy compact car, you’re right. But you can’t have the cute little Honda Brio hatchback unless you live in India, Thailand, South Africa, Indonesia or the Philippines.

My favorite definition of the bouncy brio is a rather different Wiki notation: “Brio is another word for 'life force'.”
That makes brio a comprehensive word for that indefinable, invisible, esoteric energy that fills our souls with effervescent life.

Viva la Brio!

Word Challenge: BRIO. Consider what or who instills brio in your life every day, week, month, year, decade, as you fit brio into your week of perky writings.

Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)


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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wordplay Wednesday™ April 12, 2017 – Puissant

Anatomy of Book Reviews – It’s All in the Stars 

Are you an avid Amazon book reviewer? Do you love reading a book, sharing your thoughts in a review—and bestowing it your 1 (rotten tomato) to 5 (GOLD*) stars?

Author to Reader—do you know how to write a review that makes you look good, informs prospective readers, and gives the author an honest critique?

Amazon author rankings are enigmatic at best and confidence-destroying at worst. Unfortunately, many readers who review and wield their star-power arbitrarily, know not what they do …

PUISSANT (pwisʹɘnt; pyooʹi sɘnt) adj. – powerful; strong; n. puissance  [WW #107]

In a book or product review, or even life, power without substance is false positive.

Today’s puissant word is prompted by a nice 4-star review received on Amazon, for my latest book. 4 and 5 stars are always appreciated. You hear a “but” coming, though, right?

But … it’s time to address those delightful readers who mean well, while not truly understanding what their reviews and star gradings actually do to or for, an author—much less for other readers, for whom they should be writing. (This article refers to real people/reviewers; see Forbes article about fake reviews.)

I appreciate each and every review; yes, even the antagonistic ones. All are puissant in their own way. I learn from the negative as much as I stroke my ego reading the glowing reviews. Not all reviews are created equal …

When reviewing, do you consider too, the book and author you’re writing about? To a puissant and voluminous author (you know, the Stephen Kings* of the world), one review does not carry as much weight and affect rankings like a book with, say, less than twenty-five reviews. (*King averages 2,000+.)  So …

A review with less than 5 stars, while perhaps admiring in content, creates a quandary for prospective readers and frustrates the book’s ranking.

Although the reader obviously liked my book, he didn’t actually review it. It’s wonderful he felt urged to take a fun trek down Memory Lane—the true objective of the Blast from Your Past! books.

His comments broke down to about 80% his DJ history/memories (and I’m OK with that), 15% making nice about my book (so glad he’s looking forward to the next one!), but only 5% worth for other readers. More importantly, he did not tell us why he gave the book only 4 STARS.

It’s all in the puissant stars … FYI, there is little negative difference in author rankings between 4 stars and 1. There is a HUGE drop in rankings, though, when we receive 4 stars rather 5. And Amazon’s algorithms pick up on the negatives …

And it’s compounded if there is no explanation from the reviewer as to why less than 5. Without a reason, the review is a disservice to prospective readers, and reduces the book’s visibility. If you have NOTHING negative to say about the book, then for heaven’s sake, award it 5 stars!

Just threw this in to see if you're still reading 😉
So dear readers, be truly puissant in your reviews, whether for Amazon or other public venue. Grade books and other products authoritatively.

Tips: Always state reasons for your opinion and comments. Does it warrant a negative? Then try “constructive criticism.” Bottom line—why did you hate it—or why did you LOVE it?

To other authors: remember, you can’t please all the readers all the time. Be confident in your writing and appreciate the negatives, while you cherish the puissant positives.  
*Note to Amazon: the stars should be in a rainbow of colors to reflect our true opinion: 1=red (hated it); 2=pink (some redeeming value); 3=blue (just OK); 4=purple (good, could be better); 5=Gold (excellent!).

Word Challenge: PUISSANT. Make your book and product reviews puissant! Guide others who peruse them, and offer commendable insight, as you fit puissant into your week of thoughtful writings.

Write first for yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)


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