New Year’s Eve 2018: Resolutions or Not? That is the Question!
At the beginning of each year, we hope for the
best and vow to make it a better year than last.
Did you? Was 2017 your best year yet? For
some, yes. For others, this past year fell short by a long shot. Was that you?
Was 2017 …

If your 2017 was a jejune kinda year,
remember, there are a thousand ways to change your life, and as many “experts” to tell you how.
Bottom line, change comes from within. Change
your attitude, and you change your life … so they say.
The first sentence can hardly be argued. Not
so sure I believe the latter. In the real world, it takes more than a desire,
or a different way of viewing your world, to make a change that matters. I do,
however, believe the oft-quoted but un-attributable definition of insanity:
doing the same thing over and over, expecting
different results.
So, for 2018, let’s make a pact. No resolutions. Well, just one; which rather affects any others we might think
we can get away with:
When faced with a decision, remember how you responded to a previous,
similar one, and do the opposite.
We may not achieve better results, but I
guarantee, we won’t suffer through another jejune year! Embrace change in every
decision. Don’t sneak up on it … take charge!

Word Challenge: JEJUNE. With a New Year, your
fate lies in your hands. Don’t leave your destiny with a what will be will be
attitude. Banish jejune from your dictionary and make 2018 your best year ever, as you fit it into
your week of fresh and determined writing.
Write first for
yourself … only then can you write for others. (L.Rochelle)