Home for the Holidays …

It doesn’t much matter if it’s a sprawling
ranch, a gilded city penthouse, a boat in the harbor, an urban condo, a crowded
apartment building, a modest single-story abode, or a …
SALTBOX (sôltʹbäksʹ) n. – 1) a box for salt, with a sloping lid; 2) a house, as in colonial New England,
shaped somewhat like this, having two stories in front and one at the rear, and
a gable roof with a much longer slope at the rear. [WW #89]

Appreciating your saltbox, whatever its
connotation, occurs more often this time of year; but for an alarmingly growing
population, “home” is a painful and elusive term.
Seniors. The Voice of San Diego recently reported, “National studies predict further
increases in senior homelessness. The National Alliance to End Homelessness, a
D.C.-based policy group, has estimated
the senior homeless population could rise 33
percent nationally between 2010 and 2020 – and more than double by 2050.”

I challenge our local government to show just how well it’s run—take steps
NOW to significantly decrease this trend before the next big economic downturn.
(Ya-all know, there is always another around the corner—it’s just a matter of when.)
Of course, homelessness is a horrendous issue
for all ages; but following the Great Recession, Seniors are especially
vulnerable. Too many lost jobs and more than our share, kicked out of the workforce. Coupled
with age-related medical issues, exacerbated by living on the streets, creates
a double-whammy.
What can you do to help a homeless Senior
where you live?
Scroll below for a list of organizations
helping Seniors in San Diego. Look for branches in your area, and local
organizations that work with your city, county, and state agencies. Connect
with your elected officials. Develop a way for your business or community to
help homeless Seniors.
It isn’t all about dollars—and don’t just talk
about it. Volunteer,
donate goods, help organize, or simply spread the word to those who can make a difference. The more who take
up the mantle for Seniors in need, the fewer will be homeless for the Holidays.
Remember, adrift Seniors were once you—with family, friends, and a home.
Life happens.
Everyone deserves a Home for the Holidays. It
doesn’t have to be a saltbox or a castle. A room will do.
Word Challenge: SALTBOX. Don’t let someone’s saltbox be a cardboard box on the
street. Help. And tell the world how, as you fit saltbox into your week of
homey Holiday writings.
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