Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wordplay Wednesday™ November 9, 2016 – Pule

‘Tis Better to Laugh than to Cry 

Trump Team: enjoy the moment and look to a brighter future. Clinton Camp: ‘tis better to laugh than to cry—besides, it runs the mascara.

Whoever was your candidate, today we must stand—together—as “we the people” and move forward to shake off the debilitating pall that has ruled us for the past decade-plus. Without whining 
PULE (pyōōl) vi. – to whimper or whine, as a sick or fretful child does. [WW #85]

Responding to the puling of talking bobbleheads, they clearly have “education,” but no educated connection with majority Americans: neither education nor race denotes intelligence. Common sense does.

Last night, common sense won the election. Governance as usual is not an option.

Good or bad, Trump will CHANGE politics in this country, and THAT is what we, the people voted to happen.

Never underestimate the power of closet voters.

Though the majority vote may belong to Clinton, Trump took the electoral votes that matter—and it was the closet voters who stunned the world and came out of the closet to create the closest presidential race in recent US history.

Today, let’s not pule, but strive to be what we declare “… one Nation, under God, indivisible …” 

A personal note to those unrealistic and ungrateful celebs who puled in recent weeks that they would leave this magnificent country with a Trump win: do let the door hit ya on the way out.

One man or woman does not a country make … go ahead … abandon this majestic Nation of people who put you in your lap of luxury. Makes more room for those who love the USA for all its riches, not just its money and opportunity to flaunt an inflated sense of importance.

Word Challenge: PULE. Whining and crying rarely evokes a positive result—for children or adults. Can you put on a happy face and fit pule into your week of purposeful writings?


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