Get-togethers with close and extended family can be a daunting event.
So many of us are spread far and wide, and when convening for a festive day, we often find
we no longer have anything in common, except tired stories of yesteryear.
Conversation lags—or worse—someone mentions
the “P” word (politics), or the “R” word (religion) and supper devolves into
stone cold silence.
Don’t let that happen to you!
Amaze your family and friends with a
magnanimous toast … raise your glass to another fine meal (regardless of the
truth in that statement), and welcome their warm and fuzzy presence, “May your
glass of wine always be as full as your heart and tummies.”
While you’re thinking ... “And may the wine
supply never run out as I count the seconds on the clock until this is over!” *
MAZER (māʹzɘr) n. – a large drinking bowl or goblet,
originally of hard wood, probably maple, later of metal. [WW #87]
With mazer in hand, you may find that one gem in the room who shares your viewpoint and appreciates your skewed sense of humor. The day has merit after all.
The bigger the mazer the
better. Happy Thanksgiving one and all!
Word Challenge: MAZER. Eat, drink, and be merry with your mazer, as you fit it into
your week of drunken … um … Holiday writings.
* The obligatory disclaimer for those who won’t
care anyway, and those who misconstrue my wine comments to mean you can be
drunk and disorderly—you are SO wrong. Not that you’ll take my advice, but … Always
drink (and don’t drive) responsibly. :-)
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