you just have to squeeze the necessities into a pint-sized pinch of time. This Wordplay Wednesday,
I found the perfect word—or set of words—to squish into a maddening if-anything-could-go-wrong-it-did
week. Take a whiff of this …
WHIFFET (hwif'it) n. – 1) a little whiff, or puff; 2)
(Informal) an insignificant, esp. young, person. [WW #79]
If you try to follow logic that a whiffet
is a little whiff, so puff must have a puffet offspring, you would be wrong. Is
nothing logical* in this world?!
But—if you and your whiffet play Wiffle Ball**
at the park, that makes him or her a whiffler.
Now wasn’t that fun?
If your whiffet is still in diapers, you’ll
know when the whiffet needs a change—the pungent whiffet will wrinkle your
nose. OK, I’m all whiffeted out … and out of whiffet time …
Word Challenge: WHIFFET. Speaking of time … is it past time to spend some time with
your whiffet,
whatever age the young whippersnapper may be? Have fun fitting whiffet
into your week of writings!
*Are you a logical person in an illogical world? Easy tips to weather the erratic storm of dementia—or anyone who believes the unrealistic is real!
**Made in USA—yea!
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