Inspired by two separate visitations by
fortuitous ladybugs, I actually had to look up the old recitation I used to chant
when a cute little red-and-black ladybug chose to rest on my arm. To my horror, I was reminded
of its rather sad gist!

Your house is on fire and your children are gone,
All except one,
And her name is Ann,
And she hid under the baking pan.
I’d fly away from a kid singing that to me,
too! Good grief … from childhood chant to a word for when you simply want to
impress with your aviation knowledge …
Now I ask you … why should we snub a perfectly
good, explanatory, one-syllable, uncomplicated word like “fly” for a
fly-by-night word toward the end of the alphabet, with four syllables only good
for sounding out in a spelling bee? I’d
rather flyyyyyyyyyy …
We have dreamt of flying free as long as we’ve
looked to the sky – kites, planes, spaceships, and my dream – a teleporter.
That’s the height of flight – and a source of humor between myself and friend,
John. Separated by nearly three thousand miles, we speak by phone often, since volitation
is not an option.
John once had a most delicious meal, and
envious, I told him I’d fire up the teleporter so he could send the leftovers to me. A Star Trek fan, I love the thought of teleporters – the ultimate form of volitation.

However, the day after I told him about my ladybug
visits, he excitedly called exclaiming, “You fixed the teleporter!” Huh? Seriously,
John, what are you on?
Because he lives in an even more urban
environment than I, he was thrilled to have his own visit from a cute little
ladybug. He hadn’t seen one in years – what a fun coincidence – volitation
at its best. Of course, it wasn’t one
of my ladybugs visitors, but envisioning a volitation by teleporter was an
amusing thought.
For your enjoyment, I have created a new
Ladybug rhyme in a more upbeat and joyful connotation. Cheers!
ladybug fly away free
Thank you my dear for visiting me
Do come back
When you’ve flown the world
And your spots have turned to lovely pearls.
Thank you my dear for visiting me
Do come back
When you’ve flown the world
And your spots have turned to lovely pearls.
Word of the Week: VOLITATION. With your super-human power of unhampered volitation,
where would you go? Fit it into your flights of fancy for the week.
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