Stupid is as stupid
does …
For the next time you
want to call someone stupid
without them catching on (right away):
INJUDICIOUS (inʹjöö dishʹɘs) – adj. showing poor
judgement; not discreet or wise. [You’re
Not an oft-heard word
in casual conversation, injudicious
is elite enough to pass over many heads – like our government’s collective policy
dealing with the SSA this week, I
graciously call them injudicious. Do
you know that your SSA benefits account is inaccessible at the “2nd-level”
verification stage, if EXPERIAN has incorrect information about you?! INJUDICIOUS. There must be a better
whole world knows, credit reporting companies are notoriously erroneous and
nearly impossible to correct. THIS is what our retirement benefits agency
relies on for verification?!
“Among all of the
companies generating CFPB
complaints in North Carolina so far this year, credit bureaus are at the top of
the list. Equifax is No. 1, followed by Experian.”* Charlotte Observer, 08/31/15.
Any suggestions as to how this policy can be changed?
*In the Charlotte Observer quote, the bold on
Experian and the link on CFPB are my additions.